Silver Doors:

Silver Doors are locked doors that contain a special loot chest. A Silver Key is required to open this door. These are not required to progress through labyrinth and are only optional. They are indicated with a grey door symbol on The Labyrinth Map.

Golden Doors:

Gold Doors are locked doors that block the way forward. A Golden Key is required to open this door. They are indicated with a yellow door symbol on The Labyrinth Map.


 Silver Keys:

Silver Keys are required to open Silver Doors. They can be found in Silver Chests and are marked with a grey key symbol on The Labyrinth Map.

 Golden Keys:

Golden Keys are required to open Golden Doors. They can be found in Gold Chests. They are indicated with a yellow key symbol on The Labyrinth Map.

Treasure Keys:

Treasure Keys are required to open Treasure Chests. The player can have up to a maximum of 9. These can be found:

  • 1 from Izaro
  • 1 from Argus
  • If the first or second phase empowers Izaro, it results in an extra key(up to 2)
  • Curious Lockboxes Drop 1 Key(up to 2)
  • Darkshrines have a chance of having Izaro drop an additional Key
  • One of the Treasure Chests at the end of the Lab have a chance of dropping 2 additional Keys

Treasure Chests:

Treasure chests have a set loot table.

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