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In 3.11 Harvest league was introduced and with it 3 new offerings of the goddess were added. These allow access to modified versions of the Eternal/Uber labyrinth which provide additional rewards and challlenge. These labs share the same daily layout as the Eternal/Uber labyrinth.
Offering images from the Path of Exile Wiki
Obtaining the Offerings
As of patch 3.19 there are 2 ways of getting the upgraded offerings. One method is through the atlas passive tree an allocating the Trial of Glory node. This will make a trail in your maps randomly drop an upgraded offering.
There other method is by running regular uber labs (the level 75 version). The end chests have a chance to drop one of the 3 offerings.
Differences from Eternal/Uber lab
The new offerings provide additional difficulty to the Eternal/Uber lab. Primarily the zone is now monster level 83 so all mobs, Argus and Izaro will have higher base stats. With major differences highlighted in red, the map mods are:
Dedication to the Goddess
Eternal Labyrinth of Potential
- 100% increased experience gain
- 80% increased damage taken from hits form labyrinth traps
- 80% increased effectiveness of damage over time debuffs from labyrinth traps on players
- Izaro deals 30% increased damage
- Izaro has 300% increased maximum life
- Labyrinth monsters deal 50% increased damage
- Labyrinth monsters have 200% increased maximum life
- +50% increased pack size
Tribute to the Goddess
Eternal Labyrinth of Fortune
- 100% increased experience gain
- 30% increased damage taken from hits form labyrinth traps
- 30% increased effectiveness of damage over time debuffs from labyrinth traps on players
- Izaro has 50% increased area of effect
- Izaro has 30% increased attack, cast and movement speed
- Izaro deals 60% increased damage
- Izaro has 400% increased maximum life
- Labyrinth monsters deal 50% increased damage
- Labyrinth monsters have 200% increased maximum life
- +50% increased pack size
Gift to the Goddess
Eternal Labyrinth of Opportunity
- 100% increased experience gain
- 30% increased damage taken from hits form labyrinth traps
- 30% increased effectiveness of damage over time debuffs from labyrinth traps on players
- Izaro deals 30% increased damage
- Izaro has 300% increased maximum life
- Labyrinth Monsters have 30% increased attack, cast and movement speed
- Labyrinth monsters deal 100% increased damage
- Labyrinth monsters have 300% increased maximum life
- +50% increased pack size
Each offering also has a map modifier that provides additional rewards.
Dedication to the Goddess
“The Divine Font will offer additional corrupted gem crafting options”
This allows you to apply the gem crafting options to corrupted gems.
Tribute to the Goddess
“The labyrinth’s rewards have been enriched”
This causes the silver chests, labyrinth troves and treasure chests at the end to drop better rewards. A few examples of the rewards are:
- Stacks of quality currency
- Stacks of regular currency
- Stacks of divination cards
- ilevel 86 bases
- Uncorrutped 6 links
- Tier 14-16 maps
Gift to the Goddess
“You will receive 6 additional uses of the Divine Font”
This will net you a total of 7 gem crafts at the end of the lab as it is 1 craft at base then the 6 additional. This will stack with the be twice blessed darkshrine effect 8 crafts if all are active.
What do the different offerings do now that enchants are gone?
Duber Lab, Tuber Lab, & Guber Lab.
and grinding lab
please, add the name of the lab along with the name of the offering :p
monster lvl is static for each lab kind or depends on lab/some other things?